As of the 24th of Feburary Wantima Country Club has removed all Yellow Hazards and replaced them as Red Hazards. This is in keeping with the change of rule by R&A that will become compulsory by 2030.
Relief options from red penalty area
You have the three relief options shown in Diagram #2 17.1d, each for one penalty stroke.

When it is known or virtually certain that a ball is in a red penalty area and the player wishes to take relief, the player has three options, each for one penalty stroke. The player may:
- Take stroke-and-distance relief by playing a ball from a relief area based on where the previous stroke was made.
- Take back-on-the-line relief by dropping a ball outside the penalty area, keeping point X between the hole and the spot where the ball is dropped.
- Take lateral relief (red penalty area only). The reference point for taking relief is point X, and a ball must be dropped in and played from the two club-length relief area, which is no nearer the hole than point X.